A blog dedicated to recipes and food from here at home and around the world

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cheddar potato AND broccoli soup

I love cheddar broccoli soup and I love broccoli cheddar soup, so why not mix them??!! Well being the risk taker that I am, I did just that. And lemme tell you, the reward was worth the risk!

This soup has two parts: The vegetable broth portion, and the cheese sauce. Both are easy, and this soup takes less than an hour until its ready, but it tastes like its been cooking all day!


2 medium potatoes
1 medium onion
1 1/2 cups of small cut broccoli florets
1 chicken broth bullion (omit this if you want it to be strictly vegetarian)
3 cups of water
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of black pepper

For the cheese sauce:
1 1/2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
1 tablespoon of flour
1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of heavy cream
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese

Chop up the onion, potatoes and broccoli into small pieces. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a Dutch oven pot, and heat it up to medium. Add the onion, and let it cook for about 5 minutes. Then add the potato and saute so it's coated by the oil. Cook for about 10 minutes more minutes, stirring occasionally.

Once the potatoes are a little soft, add the broccoli and saute for 2 or three minutes.

Add the cups of hot water, and the chicken bullion. Cook for about 15 minutes on medium heat, so the water reduces a little bit.

Now for the cheese sauce. Take a saucepan and turn the heat on to medium. Add the butter.

Once the butter has melted, add the flour and mix. Cook that for about a minutes. Then add the milk and cream. Grate the sharp cheddar cheese and add it to the liquid mixture, stirring the whole time.

Once the cheese has completely melted and the mixture has thickened, add it to the vegetable and broth soup.

Mix it well, and let it simmer it on low heat for 20 more minutes, until it has thickened.

Ladle until bowls and serve!

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