A blog dedicated to recipes and food from here at home and around the world

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cafe Shish Kebob

Cafe Shish Kebob is my favorite place to get Turkish food. Its part of a multi-restaurant group that also includes Cafe Istanbul, at Easton.

One of the best things about these restaurants is the basket of bread and olive oil with sun dried tomatos and rosemary that they serve. The bread is crusty on the outside and soft on the inside, I've rarely had bread that fresh and good.

The oil itself is addicting, We finish ours with a couple of pieces of bread.

This restaurant has a great lunch deal where you can get an appetizer, a main course, and a desert for less than $10.

Their hummus is always a favorite. Its creamy and light with just enough seasoning.

Their lentil soup is also very good, with subtle hints of herbs and a light tomato base.

As for the main course, I usually get the Doner kebob, which is the Turkish version of gyro meat, served with rice and vegetables. Its usually pretty heavy though, so this time I opted for a healthier grilled chicken shish kebob. The chicken has some wonderful Turkish seasonings, and goes very well with their aromatic rice.

They also have a great adana chicken kebob, which is almsot the same thing, except with ground chicken. The meat is therefore a little more tender and light.

Their tilapia dish was the only thing that I have tried that I didn't personally like. The fish was covered with what tasted like a coconut based green sauce, and diced peppers, onions, and carrots. The sauce was too overpowering, and the fish wasn't seasoned very well.

I've had a few of their deserts, and my favorite is the almond pudding. Its light, flavorful, and authentic. They have good baklava too, and they use pistachios in the filling instead of walnuts, which is a nice change. They drench it in syrup though, so it's pretty soggy.

All in all, one of the better restaurants in Columbus, and more authentic than most. This location is on Bethel Rd, and the best time to go is for lunch on a weekday.

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