A blog dedicated to recipes and food from here at home and around the world

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

This pancake recipe is full proof. Its easy, quick, fluffy, and chocolaty. Some people dont like chocolate chip pancakes because the chocolate chips are so heavy compared to the batter that they dont spread out when you try to cook them. Other times they sink to the bottom of the pancake, and the chocolate burns a little bit.

I havent had the chocolate burning problem with this recipe, but I have with others. I think pancakes are a great meal to serve anytime, especially with a side of eggs.

Ingredients (serves 2):

1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar

3/4 cup of milk
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1/3 cup of chocolate chips

butter for cooking

Add the first set of ingredients and mix them up well.

Get another bowl, and add the milk. Crack the egg into the bowl, and whisk with the milk until its incorporated. Add the vanilla extract and the oil and mix well. Add the flower mixture and mix well. Lastly add the chocolate chips.

Heat up a non stick skillet on medium/ high heat. Add a teaspoon of butter, and once it melts, add 1/4 cup of the pancake mixture to the skillet. Once the edges are solid and bubbles form on the top (about 40-50 seconds), flip the pancake onto the other side, and cook for another 30-40 seconds. Once its all solid, transfer to a plate, and repeat.

Add a bit of butter and spread onto every pancake, and drizzle with syrup. Serve with a side of eggs.

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